Monday, August 15, 2011

Resignation Checklist

For the most part I am normally not impressed with the thoroughness of most "checklists", however was doing some due diligence and looking around for a comprehensive look at the resignation process, and more importantly major aspects to remember. I stumbled upon this checklist and really found it to be thorough.

Now each position will have specific differences, as well as depending on the level of role you are working will dictate how certain aspects of this list will manifest themselves. But for the most part, this offers a solid foundation in which to begin. Look at the full blog post here.


Give the correct notice period. Follow your contractual obligations with regard to notice period. Two weeks notice is the standard notice period however you must abide by the notice period stated in your employment contract or any union agreement that you fall under. If your employer asks that you stay longer than the required notice period you are under no obligation to so so. Your employer must accept your resignation as long as you have given it in accordance with the terms of your employment contract.

Write a formal letter of resignation. How to resign properly includes a written letter of resignation even if you have resigned verbally. Prepare a letter of resignation that, at the minimum, includes the following details: the date your resignation is effective, the position from which you are resigning, and the date of your last working day at the company. Make sure you know who your resignation letter should be addressed to and who else in the company must receive copies (usually Human Resources and Payroll). Always keep a copy for yourself.

Hand the letter personally to the relevant staff member on the day you write the letter. It can be left unopened in the in-tray or on a desk if not handed directly to an individual. This can lead to problems about when you actually resigned and whether you have given the required notice.
The announcement to other staff regarding your departure should be agreed with your employer.

Organize a handover period if necessary. Try to complete assignments and tasks before you go and leave easily accessible information for your replacement.

Confirm the payment of any outstanding monies for unused vacation time that you have accrued. Confirm any outstanding payments for overtime, bonuses, expenses.
Find out the company policy on unused accrued sick leave. Generally this is not paid out but ask Human Resources what the organization does regarding this benefit.

Schedule a consultation with Human Resources or the relevant individual to discuss your insurance benefits including medical and dental, life insurance. Find out about converting or continuing your life and health insurance benefits. If necessary check with your Sate Department for Labor for clarification. Make any outstanding benefits claims. Find out what happens to your pension plan. Some plans provide for a lump sum distribution when you leave the company.

Find out about your eligibility for unemployment insurance if you are not going to another position. The sooner you file for unemployment benefits, the sooner you will start receiving the money. Eligibility requirements for collecting unemployment benefits vary from state to state. You can check your eligibility and get details on how to file from your State Unemployment Office.

Complete your exit interview. The purpose of an exit interview is to address any questions, comments and concerns regarding your period of employment at the company. Use it as an opportunity to give positive feedback where relevant and provide constructive comment on areas for improvement.

Organize a written reference from the company to keep in your portfolio. Don't wait to ask for a reference when you next need one, get the reference while your employer still clearly remembers you!

Inform Human Resources of the correct address where any relevant documents or mail can be forwarded to you when you have left the company.

Make sure your company computer files and email accounts are appropriately closed before you leave.

Hand back security and parking passes and any other company property such as uniforms, computers, phones etc.

Remove all personal items and personal files from your work space.

Resignation Checklist

Jason Monastra is a 10 year veteran in the recruiting industry and current partner with United Global Technologies,, a leading recruiting and consulting firm serving the IT and engineering vertical based out of Charlotte NC.

Jason Monastra maintains a major career advice and job search blog at, making it easy to access key informational points to better help navigate your search for your next position.


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